Friday, October 19, 2012

unable to export data, problem table in database


One of our database tables has a problem I am trying to investigate.  When I attempt to run a count query from the command line console, I get the following message:

"Table '[--EDITED--]' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed"

Repair commands time out, even in the command line (at least, I assume they time out, I get a message after about 10 minutes about invalid cache or something along those lines every time I attempt to run the query, immediately followed by "invalid connection id" every time I attempt to run any subsequent queries).  I have attempted to export the entire SQL instance to check the data manually and salvage what I can from the database table, but the export to cloud storage fails:

Failed to back up to gs://dbfile/10192012.gz: An unknown problem occurred (ERROR_RDBMS)

According to the Cloud SQL console, however, daily backups are successful, but there is no way for me to access those short of loading them, which would obliterate anything from the past 24 hours or so.  And, given the risk of what might happen to the data if the backup isn't really there, it's not a wise idea to try, IMHO.

I do not want to simply drop the table, we have about three months worth of data for a large project in there. Unfortunately, hours are tight on this project for the company that uses it (I'm allowed 5-7 hours a month max for all dev work and maintenance), so being able to actively monitor it has not been an option.  I'm hoping to find some way to pull everything down and at least have a sql file to go through and figure out what happened, salvage what I can, or perhaps even run the repair query on a local instance of mysql.

Instance name is iabalpadtest:iabreportsection if that helps.

Do I have any options available to me here?

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