Friday, January 6, 2012

Stored procs disappearing on site version num change

This has happened to me twice now and I *think* the version num change
is to blame:

- Did a CREATE PROCEDURE call via the google_sql_tool and code on GAE
was able to access it just fine.

- Pushed updated code to GAE along with a version num increment for my
site. Switched GAE to make the new version the default.

- The stored proc was no longer accessible ("PROCEDURE myProcedure
does not exist").

I'm not much of a mySQL expert so this might not be a Cloud SQL issue
at all. Is it possible that my stored proc is only living within a
shared GAE connection and maybe somehow isn't fully committed into the
DB? That's NOT the case on my local mySQL dev instance, but it would
explain why a new version in GAE would lose the stored proc.

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