Thursday, November 8, 2018

[google-cloud-sql-discuss] Google Cloud SQL slow outputting query result

I am having a problem querying my database on Google Cloud SQL (mysql second generation): whenever I execute a query, its result is received in a relatively large amount of time, and I've noticed that it's a problem of fetching the data rather than executing the query, because this duration changes every time that I re-run the same query on the same underline data.

My SQL instance is a db-n1-standard-1 and CPU or RAM usage don't get even close to its hardware limitation. I have increased the disk space to 50GB (SSD) to allow higher throughput but nothing changed.

For example, if I query 6MB of data, I get an answer after ~600ms to ~1s when I would expect to receive it in about 300ms given that the lowest throughput on the SSD is 24MB/s and the network throughput is irrelevant at 250MB/s. This happens both when I connect to the SQL instance from my computer or from Google App Engine (I isolated the log for detecting exactly only the query + data transport time), DB is in Belgium, App Engine Server is in London.

If I run the query with the mysql profiling active, I can see that the actual query (the sum of all the durations of the steps) takes about 3ms so my guess is that there is problem transporting the data. I do use some JSON_OBJECT transformation when selecting but I guess that that should be already considered in some of the steps of the profiling result?

Can you please help me to identify and solve the problem?

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