Sunday, March 29, 2020

[google-cloud-sql-discuss] Is it feasible to connect modern Java webapps (e.g. Vert.x) from Cloud Run to Cloud SQL?

I have a Java /Vert.x web application that I've deployed to Cloud Run. I wanted to connect it to a database, so Cloud SQL seemed the obvious choice. But after trying, I'm wondering if it's really feasible to connect a modern Java web application from Cloud Run to Cloud SQL.

By "modern Java web application", I mean one leveraging the event-loop paradigm as opposed to the traditional thread-per-request model. This means that we want to leverage non-blocking APIs for IO operations such as database access.

However, Cloud SQL requires connections from Cloud Run using a UNIX socket, rather than via a standard JDBC address. Unfortunately, there are very few JDBC drivers/connection pools that support connectivity via UNIX sockets (to my knowledge, Hikari CP is the only option). Importantly, there are no non-blocking drivers that support socket connection (that I've found).

So as far as I can tell, my options are:

  • Use Hikari and block the main thread (not an option)
  • Use Hikari and create a ham-handed approach whereby the entire data access layer takes place in another thread
  • Use Hikari, and spend a lot of time creating an entirely new non-blocking driver to use with it

Am I missing something? It seems odd that GCP would preclude such a large swath of applications, so I'm guessing that I might be.

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