Wednesday, October 28, 2020

[google-cloud-sql-discuss] Google Cloud Platform - forward ports to multiple SQL instances

I am running multiple SQL instances in Google Cloud Platform (GCP). I have multiple masters with some read-replicas. Each instance has a private IP-address based on the region it is in, all instances use the same stock MySQL port (3306).

In the same VPC I have a few compute engines that can connect to each of the SQL instance without any problems. But I also have a couple (10~15) clients that need to connect from outside the VPC, through the internet so to say.

The question is how can I forward certain ports to the right internal IP-address in my VPC? IE:

<public-ip>:12345 -> 10.x.x.1:3306
<public-ip>:23456 -> 10.x.x.2:3306
<public-ip>:34567 -> 10.x.x.3:3306  

I want to use a single firewall for the public-ip. If I set a public IP for each SQL instance I will need to set network access for each instance for each client. That is going to ge a nightmare quite fast.

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