Friday, March 2, 2012

Re: Running Data Nucleus JDO 3.0.x with Google Cloud SQL

Dear Study,

thank you for posting your jdoconfig.xml. However I run into the problem that the code doesn't run on Google App Engine. It creates the following error message:

Caused by: javax.jdo.JDOFatalUserException: No available StoreManager found for the datastore URL key "jdbc". Please make sure you have all relevant plugins in the CLASSPATH (e.g datanucleus-rdbms?, datanucleus-db4o?), and consider setting the persistence property "datanucleus.storeManagerType" to the type of store you are using e.g rdbms, db4o NestedThrowables: org.datanucleus.exceptions.NucleusUserException: No available StoreManager found for the datastore URL key "jdbc". Please make sure you have all relevant plugins in the CLASSPATH (e.g datanucleus-rdbms?, datanucleus-db4o?), and consider setting the persistence property "datanucleus.storeManagerType" to the type of store you are using e.g rdbms, db4o

However directly accessing the database via JDBC and SQL works!

So it seems that something for datanucleus is missing within the app engine libraries. I added no special libraries and used version 1.6.3.

Thank you very much for your help in advance.


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