Friday, December 9, 2011

Re: help with full-text 3 letter "words"

This is very bad news. Cloud SQL full-text search has been my last
ditch effort to have a reasonable search solution for my app.
I have waited for a long time to get datastore full-text search and I
still don't have access to the alpha. I don't even know if it would
meet my needs since I haven't found public access to the documentation
for datastore full-text search. I just spent the last week getting
full-text and geo search working in the app using Cloud SQL and now
it's not going to work because of this configuration issue. Whoosh is
probably too slow, single word searches don't meet my app
requirements, Google custom search engine is always behind or
incomplete. Did I leave any options out?
I have to say that I have been a huge advocate for Google App Engine
with many paid apps. But, alas, things like this are wearing me out.
The wait is too much and the functionality too little. node.js,
Mongodb and other solutions are gaining steam and in my opinion,
things like this, are *major* detractors for Google App Engine. I
really like the instance model Google has, but the roadmap that takes
many, many months (think 1 year+ from on the roadmap to alpha) to
deliver on for SSL, full-text search, full PIL support, PDF generation
and the like takes incredible patience to deal with.
Please let me know if there is any way we can make an improvement on
this now for Cloud SQL.
I have gotten so used to hacking around App Engine limitations I am
already thinking of adding a special character to 3 letter words in a
hidden tags fields that is a copy of the text in many other fields so
that when people search for a 3 letter word I have a hope of finding
it (if I add the same special character to their words before
searching). Workarounds like this are tiresome and beyond hackish.
This needs to change. Coming up with my own handling for multi-word
search strings (phrases), geo searches with "nearby" results as well
as other criteria based on data equalities and inequalities is somehow
a massive stretch for Google to support. Not even mentioning the huge
hassle doing a partial or prefix match would be (functionality I
really need in another app and could be well served by the LIKE
operator) on the datastore. So, basically what I am saying is that the
datastore and Cloud SQL leave a lot to be desired.
I would like to remain an advocate, please help me find a good
solution now.

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