Tuesday, July 16, 2019

[google-cloud-sql-discuss] Re: Create a Postgres database with a collation other than en_us.utf8

Hi Harmit,

Thank you for your help!

The pt_pt.utf8 collation is supported. You can see it on the collations list of pg_catalog on any PostgreSQL database on Cloud SQL.

As for the command you suggested, I've tried it but got an error I can't solve.

gcloud sql databases create testdb --instance=MYINSTANCE --charset=UTF8 --collation=pt_PT.utf8
ERROR: (gcloud.sql.databases.create) HTTPError 400: Invalid request: Failed to create database testdb. Detail: pq: new collation (pt_PT.utf8) is incompatible with the collation of the template database (en_US.UTF8)

The problem is that I can't change (or replace) the template1 database as the Cloud SQL postgres user is not SUPERUSER as it usually is on conventional deployments.

Thank you again!

segunda-feira, 15 de Julho de 2019 às 20:42:46 UTC+1, Harmit Rishi (Cloud Platform Support) escreveu:

Thank you for using Google Groups!

Would you be able to provide the documentation that indicates pt_PT.utf8 is available? Based on my research I am unable to find it on the collation support nor the character set support on PostgreSQL documentation. However, if you are certain it is supported, you can always create a database using gcloud. Your command would consist of the following flags below: 

gcloud sql databases create [DATABASE_NAME] --instance=[INSTANCE_NAME] [--charset=CHARSET] [--collation=COLLATION]

Additionally, you may find further details of how to do this here

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