Wednesday, October 16, 2019

[google-cloud-sql-discuss] Re: Decrease performance when conecting to Cloud SQL via proxy

Thanks for your reply. I compare with response time when I call an API from my application between new and old infrastructure and see connect to Cloud SQL slower
than manual Postgres installation in GCE.

I already try 3 and 4 I got the same response time.

Other information looks like response time increases when it has low traffic at midnight.

How can I improve this? 

เมื่อ วันพุธที่ 16 ตุลาคม ค.ศ. 2019 23 นาฬิกา 51 นาที 22 วินาที UTC+7, George (Cloud Platform Support) เขียนว่า:
How did you establish that application performance is decreasing when connecting to Cloud SQL from GKE? What did you compare your measurement data to? More details are needed for a proper investigation. 

To move forward with such an investigation, following information is needed, and has to be verified: 

1. Project-id.
2. Name of the Cloud SQL instance and VM instances.
3. Verify the Cloud SQL connection latency directly from GKE instances using IP address.
3. Verify the network latency directly from both GKE instances (as you mentioned above) to Cloud SQL instance using ping.
4. Verify if you experience same latency when you connect to the Cloud SQL using the Cloud SQL Proxy.

Information and verification implied at the 4 points above requires a high level of privacy in exchanging messages. This is not possible in publicly visible forums as here in Groups. In Public Issue Tracker you may opt for "private issue", and maintain desired level of privacy. You are encouraged to open a new private issue in Tracker, with information described at the 4 points above.  

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