Saturday, May 26, 2018

[google-cloud-sql-discuss] MyISAM tables on Cloud SQL

Hi there.  I know that the current Google documentation on Cloud SQL (second generation) says that only InnoDB engine tables are supported.  However....

A few months ago, before I knew any better, I imported an existing MyISAM dump into Google Cloud SQL.  It silently converted the storage engine into InnoDB, and when I was checking to see that everything got imported alright, that's when I first learned that Cloud SQL tables had to be using InnoDB.  So other than realizing I'm going to have to do a bit of testing to make sure the engine conversion didn't break anything, at least I knew where I stood.

A few days ago, I imported an updated dump of the same tables (from an offsite MySQL installation using MyISAM) and expected the same behaviour.  However, I got a surprise when I did a count(*) on a table with around a hundred million rows and got results immediately (NOT what one would expect from InnoDB).  And on further investigation, my import didn't "automagically" convert the engine to InnoDB this time.  Of course, I can manually convert the tables with a simple sed script prior to import, but considering that the tables were seemingly successfully created with the MyISAM engine I'm wondering if I have to.

Sure enough, if you do a "create table test (a int) engine=myISAM;" on Cloud SQL, it happily creates a table using the MyISAM engine.  But this is a odds with the Google Cloud SQL documentation which says you can'd do that.

Without getting into the debate of whether or not we *should* be using MyISAM (I know InnoDB is more reliable), does anyone know what's going on here?  Is this a new capability now offered by Cloud SQL that isn't in the documentation yet?  Or is it something that shouldn't be relied upon and may be pulled at any time?



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