Saturday, June 23, 2018

[google-cloud-sql-discuss] Re: MySQL restarts itself when doing "load data"

Hello Jose,

If MySQL server (mysqld) is crashing, and not the instance itself, it could be a utilization issue. Hence, you may check the corresponding graph in the instance overview page, and for testing purposes you may try migrating with a higher CPU/Memory type machine (you have the ability to downgrade after).

But are you sure that the crash is causing the connection issue (could be not related)? For example, and while you replicated the server locally (and not over the internet), it could also (in addition to crashing) be a connection issue like this communication error, and per this troubleshooting guide , this does not indicate that  you have an issue with the Cloud SQL instance itself, but the "application is not terminating connections properly", or caused by a network issue.

On the other hand, and while this is affecting one table, and as you have a special case using named pipes, it would be nice to investigate it through issue tracker. Opening a report, make sure it is private, include your project ID, instance name, all error messages for the behavior described above, and detailed reproduction steps.

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