Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Re: Google Apps Script JDBC Service and Google Cloud SQL

I´ve tried the Scriptdb and it serves very well for the Google apps script. 

It seems much faster, and as long as you stay bellow the 100 mb you´ll be fine.

So I definitly liked this one! 
(still though I'd like to access the sql cloud with jdbc from the Apps script :-) 

Em sábado, 30 de junho de 2012 09h09min55s UTC-3, Jacob van den Berg escreveu:

Yeah I saw the presentation of saurabh gupta! I'll checknthat out... any ideas where to find examples?
The thing is that it seems that apps script is never an priority within google and isn't it strange that you can connect just about anything from anywhere but not a proper Google product?


Em 30/06/2012 02:47, "Geoff Newell" <geoff.newell@appsbroker.com> escreveu:
Hi Jacob. 
Google announced at IO some big changes for Appscript. 

ScriptDB is the key one. You've now got a scalable, searchable nosql style datastore you can use. Much better than using a spreadsheet. 

Agree it makes sense to connect through to CloudSql. Guess it's not a priority for Google at the moment. 


On 30 Jun 2012, at 00:50, Jacob van den Berg <jacobvdb@lagaroo.com.br> wrote:

So  this does not work with Google Cloud SQL and Google Apps Scripts?

I have to continue using the spreadsheets??

It is the last missing link for Google Apps Script (UI) and Sites to be complete!  


Em sexta-feira, 22 de junho de 2012 11h14min31s UTC-3, SS escreveu:
Ya, y cnt we all just create a FORM/Link to get the MASSIVE VOTES fr this subject & SEND it to Google, so tht they can take ACTION promptly fr this App Engine Wrapper?
Also, I want them to make them Cloud SQL as a free trial on a User Basis, atleast fr a month.

They really have to improve Standards in terms of marketing New Products fr Entreprise!!


On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 9:45 PM, JohnSuper <googleadmin@platoacademy.net> wrote:
Ya, based on previous statements I thing everyone was just sitting back waiting thinking it was being worked on and will be coming down the pipes in a rollout.

Since it is not on the radar I think those, like me, who have just been sitting quietly waiting, need to voice out.   I know that even if there is tons of interest, nothing gets in the pipeline unless the interest is voiced massively. 

It's odd that there is a Google BigQuery connector and access API's for apps script but not for CloudSQL


On Friday, June 15, 2012 7:48:48 PM UTC-4, Joe Faith wrote:
Hi John

we don't have plans to release an Apps Script JDBC connector in the near future.


On Fri, Jun 15, 2012 at 12:24 PM, JohnSuper <googleadmin@platoacademy.net> wrote:
Any update on Cloud SQL access from Google Apps Script JDBC?

In the mean time has anyone written a App Engine Wrapper that has an example code to post?

I don't want to waste time writing a wrapper if Apps Script JDBC access is coming out in a couple of weeks or something.  But if it going to be a while or not in the immediate future it might be worth the time...

I'm assuming  a wrapper entails an apps script URLFetching an app engine app that takes a SQL statement as an incoming parameter, calls a Google Cloud SQL database and outputs a table of results that the  apps script URL fetch receives as return output into a text?   Or am I confused?


On Tuesday, November 29, 2011 9:29:10 AM UTC-5, Saurabh Gupta wrote:
Integrating Cloud SQL with Apps Script is being considered. In the meantime, you can write an App Engine service as a wrapper that exposes Cloud SQL data to your Scripts.


Joe Faith | Product Manager | Google Cloud

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