Thursday, May 17, 2012

Re: Pricing for Google Cloud SQL

I have had a fairly small blog on GAE up for years so it is on the original big table, with the sunset on that, going to high replication DS I doubt it will stay running and I am not sure I'll bother figuring out how to adapt it to the new DS. I learned a lot about a lot via the project and I was just looking at upgrading to a Django CMS, Mezzanine, which would require SQL, but it does not get much traffic, but does need to be up, with no free or bargain quota I will have to put it up on my WebFaction $9.00 a month account which still has a lot on excess capacity, I'd rather be learning more about GAE but with no low cost plan it is not feasible. $9.00 is way less than anything I can use on GAE for 24x7 availability. I would not have gone to Webfaction originally if there had been a bargain SQL that I could use with Django. I spent a lot of time and have helped out some with the Django Non-rel project, but have been very disappointed with what can be done without great effort.(and no real Google support for the project other than cheerleading).

Sure hope someone rethinks this reality.. it is an outside chance that I'll grow, and I will absolutely have clients, also small for whom this pricing is just out of sight. so I and my clients will probably grow, but it will be where I start, Webfaction, at least until I have really big growing pains... but then there is always hereku...

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